Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Winter Admission Intensives Series


From Davidson College:

We hope you will join us for our upcoming Winter Admission Intensives programs. These virtual workshops will give you access to our admission staff as they share their expertise on how to navigate the college application process. There is no cost to participate so feel free to register for as many events as you’d like. Make sure to register in advance. 

Saturday, February 3College Application and Financial Aid Basics for Non-U.S. Students (9:00 am EST): Join this session to learn about the basics of applying to colleges in the U.S. as a non-U.S. citizen. This session will cover the fundamentals of applying to college, with an additional focus on English Proficiency Exams, leveraging cultural capital in the application process, and applying for financial aid as a non-U.S citizen. 

Launching Your College Search (1:00 pm EST): The search for a perfect college "fit" can be daunting. Join this session to gain insight on how to sift through the thousands of colleges and universities that are out there to consider. This session will offer advice on how to create a thoughtful and intentional list of institutions that are a great fit for YOU! 

College Application Basics (2:30 pm EST): In this session we cover the fundamentals of applying to college. Discussion topics include: types of applications, application timelines, common application materials, and additional resources. 

Saturday, February 10 

College Essay Writing (1:00 pm EST): Learn the who, what, and why of college admission essays along with tips for putting your best foot forward in writing. 

College Admissions Mythbusting Panel (2:30 pm EST): What are the realities of the college admission process? What is important for me to know, and what can I ignore? This session will differentiate the myths and half-truths from the realities of applying to college. Davidson students and admission staff members will serve on a panel to offer a variety of perspectives and allow you to ask tough questions of those that have recently applied to college and those that review applications.

If you have any questions or need assistance feel free to contact us at any time at

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

How Do I Self-Study for the SAT?

 By the College Essay Guy

As someone whose been tutoring the SAT for almost 20 years, I can say that 

A) each tutoring plan is unique to each student, and 

B) all tutoring plans have some common features. 

But what those common features should be, and how and why to individualize them, can feel a little nebulous.

So in this post, I’ll show you different self-study plans for different types of studiers, help you create a timeline for self-study, and connect you to resources you’ll need to find content instruction and study material. But first …


It’s right there in the name, people! If you are reading this, you are interested in self-studying for the SAT. Which means you’re likely self-aware! Self-motivated! Or ... let’s face it ... tutoring can be expensive, and so there’s gotta be a more accessible way. 

To build your study plan, first ask yourself …

So … Who are You? 

I’m A Self-Starting Engine! Motivation City, population ME! 

You’ve got a five year ... nay! A ten year ... nay! A thirty year plan! Because you know that Supreme Court justices who also find the cure for cancer AND solve climate change, all while writing that best-selling novel (while playing pro ball?! My god! Who are you?!), don’t just happen! You’ve gotta have a plan! 

I’m A Go-With-The-Flow-Hakuna-Matata Type, Baby! 

Perhaps you are a “no worries ride the vibe” surfer of life’s thrillingly gnarly waves. Plans are for suckers, right? Cuz isn’t life just going to do what it’s going to do? 

Um … I’m neither? Or sometimes both? 

Or, perhaps, your worldview and natural orientation fall somewhere in-between. Perhaps you’re motivated but not sure where to start. Or you know where to start, but you just need a little motivation and some accountability to make it work. 

Any mindset and set of circumstances that brought you to this sentence are valid, and just as there is no one path that led each person here, there is no one “right” way to study for the SAT! 

The most important thing you need to do, right here right now, is to begin to figure out what is the best way forward for you. Some students will find repetition and rigidity helpful and clarifying, while other students thrive in a more improvisational, flexible environment. Neither is better or worse, and the sweet spot often contains elements of both structure AND flexibility. However, the probable success or failure of a study plan will likely be less about the structure of the plan itself than about how fully the plan aligns with the way you work best. 

For example, I’m generally someone who thrives better in sunshine and heat than in gray skies and cold weather. However, the best days for me are not necessarily the sunniest days but those when the weather, whatever it may be, aligns with how I’m feeling. Do I feel aligned with sunshine more often than not? Yep. But if I’m feeling slow and meditative, a cold, gray day beats the pants off a sunny day! So, your first assignment is to do a little dive into your past and think about who you are, why you’re here, and what kinds of work structures best help you stay motivated and accountable.

Here’s an example from my own experience to model how to investigate how you work best, and to get those self-investigative juices flowing: 

A few years ago, I decided to get serious about working out. I have always been athletic, but it had been awhile since I had been on a sports team, and I realized how much I missed being as active as I had then. 

Still, getting back into a groove was hard. I was out of practice. I was not as strong as I’d once been. And—I had to be real with myself—conditioning was always my least favorite part of playing sports. Now I was asking myself to get excited about essentially all conditioning and no play? It was a tough sell. 

My first plan (which I don’t think was ever intentionally a plan, just an instinct that I ran with), was drill-sergeant-level tough love. That’s right! If I needed to motivate myself, I’d just do what my most demanding, scream-in-your-face coach back in the day would do! Did it matter that he was my least favorite coach who actually just made me feel more scared than motivated? Nope! Cuz we needed to get in shape, and so demanding and screamy must be the way to go! 

I basically invented a mental trainer for myself, and the trainer I invented showed no mercy and pretty much hated me. Needless to say, for me, this plan was a disaster. All the impossible standards, the inner screaming and shame ... just made me feel like crap. That caused my  inner protector/guard dog to start barking its head off with its own message: we don’t need any of this! Rebel! Rebel! Now, my inner rebel needs no convincing to show up to a party; she’s pretty much always ready with a crazed look in her eye and a box of matches. 

And thus ... the plan started to unravel. It turns out fear, shame, and rigidity tend to make me do the OPPOSITE of what I’m supposed to do, so for me this workout plan was never going to, well, work out. However, failure was also a great teacher! NOW I had some information about myself, which meant NOW I could make an intentional plan taking all I had learned into account. 

Okay! So structure good but rigidity bad! From this nugget of self-knowledge I created a new plan, which I called the 1-2-3 Plan. For the structural tentpoles, I gave myself a weekly goal of 10 points. An “easy” workout counted for 1 point, a “medium” workout was a 2, and a “hard” workout was a 3. However, I decided that how I achieved those 10 points each week was entirely up to me. I could go “slow and low” 6-7 days a week, or do a few high intensity workouts 3-4 days a week. I also knew that the greater variety I allowed myself (yoga, dance, tennis, lifting, cardio), the more likely I would be to stick to the plan. This combination of tentpole structure with built-in flexibility and variety was exactly what I needed to set myself up for success, and ... the plan worked! I shall now pat myself on the back with my strong, strong arms. 


Before we get into self-study models themselves, let’s talk about the 3 types of work you’ll need to do to be fully prepared for the SAT:


    While the SAT provides some geometry formulas on the test itself, you still will need to have a short list of math formulas and grammar rules memorized. Memorization work is usually best achieved through rote repetition, which requires frequent interaction with the material over time. There are many ways to memorize, some quite creative like generating a mnemonic device or even putting something to music. Still, there’s often no better way to straight up memorize than good ole’ flashcards that you go through at least once a day until the information is really absorbed. 


    I mean, duh. While most if not all of the concepts on the SAT will be ones with which you have some familiarity, you’re gonna need to do a little content learning and a little strategy learning for all four sections. Real absorption and learning takes a deeper level of engagement than simple memorization, especially when it comes to implementing strategies for the test. This is all to say ... please don’t give yourself a week to prep for this thing and think you’re gonna master it! Give yourself the time to really let these concepts and strategies sink in. 


    Obviously, the best way to do that is ... practice! Not only will you want to practice implementing content knowledge and strategy, you’ll want to practice performance skills like timing, stamina, and anxiety management. 

With that in mind, here are …



Who is this for? 

  • Students who have more than 6 weeks of prep time

  • Students who work better in less intensive, longer-term environments

  • Students who do not have much time per week do devote to prep 

  • Students who prefer to work more slowly 

The Marathoner is the approach I’d advocate for most students, most of the time. Why? 

Firstly, most students need at least 6 weeks (and ideally up to  3 months before the first test sitting) of prep and practice for SAT concepts and strategy to become second nature. The more time you have taken to really get “under the hood” of this test, figure out how it works, and practice until there’s very little the SAT can throw at you on test day you haven’t seen before ... the better! 

Secondly, most students I have worked with are simply too busy with schoolwork, extracurriculars, and the everyday business of life to devote the time per week it takes to really master this stuff quickly. This is not to say The Sprinter model (see below) can’t work. It can, given the right personality type, knowledge base, and set of circumstances! (For example, if you scored a 1490 with no prep ... see The Sprinter.) However, for most of us, it takes a bit longer to prep for the SAT because we just don’t have the time to make the SAT the #1 focus in our lives. 

The Marathoner is based largely on what a 3-ish-month tutoring program would look like. Here is a proposed scaffolding of that plan with self-study tips and adaptations included: 

The Plan: 

  1. 1x weekly 90-minute tutoring session (for self-study, this could be time with a study buddy, or dedicated time to “teach” yourself new concepts, look up explanations to questions you don’t understand, etc.) 

  2. 1-4 hours homework in between tutoring sessions (ramping up over time from small assignments to full practice tests) 

    (#1 + #2 = 2.5-5.5 hours weekly) 

  3. At least 2-4 full, timed practice tests before sitting for the real exam

  4. Use both untimed practice to master concepts/strategy and timed practice to master performance skills/stamina

This type of plan is generally comprised of 4 “phases”: 

Phase 1: Develop a fundamental understanding of each section of the test—how each one is set up, timed, and scored; what concepts are and are not on the test; overall and concept-specific strategies for each section.

Phase 2: Do a deep dive into concepts unfamiliar to you or those you need greater mastery of. This is the “content learning phase”—always with an eye toward strategy when applicable.

Phase 3: Maintain a focus on content/strategy (as opposed to performance), but now add in bite-sized timing/performance elements. Timed passages as opposed to sections.

Phase 4: Put it all together! Bring together concept, strategy, and performance elements by timing full sections. Finally, complete full timed practice tests and review these tests afterward.   


This plan includes at least 2-4 full, timed practice tests, but if there’s a single recommendation I have for any student prepping for the SAT, it would be: DO MORE PRACTICE TESTS. Conveniently, the College Board offers a bunch of free SAT tests right here. There is a mountain of evidence that shows that even just taking practice tests leads to better scores. So … DO THIS! Take practice tests! Is there still a benefit to Phase 1 of this process, the “taking apart the watch” phase where you really get inside the minds of the test-takers before you begin taking full practice tests? Yes! But there’s really no better way to get better at taking the whole test than to TAKE THE WHOLE TEST. So … TAKE. PRACTICE. TESTS. 


Who is this for? 

  • Students who have 6 weeks or less to prep

  • Students who work better in short-burst, intensive environments

  • Students who have a lot of time (within a short time span) to devote to prep

  • Students who prefer to work quickly  

This plan is for the adrenaline junkies out there, the students with a pretty open schedule within a small (6 weeks or less) time frame, those who are close to their goal score without prep, and those who just work better in small, concentrated bursts. 

Caution: this is rarely the right path for students who find there are significant content areas they are learning for the first time. 

As mentioned above, the “learning” portion of this work takes the most time, so the more content you need to learn from scratch, the longer it will take (and the less likely this model of self-study will bear fruit). However, if you find yourself looking at this model because it’s 3 weeks before the test and you didn’t actually think you would even take it but now you realize you need to take it and ... oh geez ... you are cramming and stressing and “the sprinter” model is the only one still available because ... oh god! Is it too late for me?! 

To you we also say: welcome. Doesn’t matter how you got here. Come rest your weary bones by the fire. 

The Plan: 

Phase 1 (Weeks 1 & 2): Know what you know, and what you don’t know. Look at a comprehensive list of test concepts and content, mark unfamiliar or “brush up” concepts. Label these concepts as either A (don’t know but somewhat familiar/looks doable) or B (don’t know and not at all familiar/looks NOT doable). Cross-reference this list with “most important” content areas

Refine your list in order of priority:

  1. A’s deemed important content 

  2. B’s deemed important content

  3. A’s deemed less important content 

  4. B’s deemed less important content 

Based on the time you have, work on as many content areas as you can based on this order of priority. 

Note: if you have a long list and a short timeframe, it’s okay to ignore #4 entirely in order to focus on more accessible/more important content. 

Phase 2 (Weeks 2 & 3): Start timing yourself pretty quickly. If you have 4-6 weeks to prep, start by timing individual passages, next time full sections, and then full practice tests. If you have fewer than 4 weeks until your SAT, do full sections timed, understanding that the more comprehensive your mastery of content and strategy, the better you’ll be at pacing. 

Phase 3 (Weeks 4-6, but possibly woven in earlier): Full practice tests and practice test review. For The Sprinter model, you can and perhaps should start taking full practice tests after the first week of prep, even if you don’t feel fully ready. You’ll still get good information from the attempt because the best way to know how you’ll do on an SAT is to, ya know, take a full SAT. This will give you great information about where you need to focus moving forward: 

  • Do you need a deeper foundation of content knowledge? 

  • Are you good on the concepts, but having issues with timing and fatigue? 

  • Perhaps you’re continuing to overthink easy problems, second guessing yourself, or racing through sections only to make a bunch of careless errors, in which case it’s likely SAT strategy that you need to spend more time on. 

Whatever it is, starting to take full practice tests once a week can be really useful, as The Sprinter model has no time to waste. 


There are tons of free resources available, but here are a few to get you started:

  1. In case you missed it above, here are a bunch of free SAT practice tests 

  2. Khan Academy has partnered with the College Board to offer free async test prep

  3. Strategies and hacks for raising your SAT score


Regardless of what plan you create for yourself, the success or failure of any plan really rests on two things: clarity & accountability. 

Clarity: you’ll want a clear idea of what you plan to accomplish each study period. Accountability: you need some kind of accountability system to keep you honest. 

Here are a few ways to help with both: 

1. Sampler vs. Smorgasbord

Are you an all-day snacker or a full meal kind of person? In other words, are you better with frequent, small “bites” of information/study, or do you prefer to rock a marathon work session once or twice a week? Both methods have their place, and often a great study plan has elements of both. In order to stick to your plan, however, give yourself CLARITY about ... 

  • How frequently you’re going into SAT mode & how long you’re going to study during each session

  • What you are going to accomplish each time 

Remember! You are trying to stick to this plan, right? So create goals for yourself that are ambitious but reasonable. There are natural limits to how much our brains can absorb in a given time period. Know your limits. Take breaks. And schedule study time at times of the day and in environments where you can actually ... ya know ... focus. 

2. Study Buddy 

We’ve probably all learned by now that having an accountability partner can be helpful when we’re trying to accomplish just about anything. This is one of the reasons that tutors are valuable. Not only are these professionals experts in their fields, simply having someone you’re accountable to can make following through on a study plan that much easier. If you’re not going the tutoring route, a study buddy can be a great accountability partner, especially if you are someone who absorbs information more easily in a collaborative environment. 

Would I enlist the help of my flakiest friend? Probably not. But would I find a study buddy who largely aligns with my goals and pace of study, and who also brings something to the table I don’t have (and vice versa)? Yeeeeeeeeeah. 

3. Carrots & Sticks

Here’s a buzzword: gamification. What does it mean? It’s simply a fancy term for another pretty intuitive concept. Mary Poppins put it best when she said, “in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job’s a game!” We see this everywhere nowadays, from memberships with rewards points to “badges” and “leveling up” in all manner of things. 

So how do you “gamify” your self-study plan? 

Again, who are you? Are you someone who responds better to negative consequences if you don’t do something, or rewards if you do? Are there milestones you can set for yourself that, when you hit them, something awesome happens? 

The more you can find ways to turn this whole process into a game rather than a chore, the less miserable prep will be and, more importantly, the more likely you are to stick to any plan you’ve created. 

4. The Only Constant is Change

Ya gotta give it to Greek philosopher Heraclitus (wow, that’s a thought I’ve never had before this very moment) ... the only constant is change! 

Maybe you’ve just put the final, flourishing touch on a perfect self-study plan only to learn five minutes later you’ve been assigned a time-consuming class project (or been cast in the play, or discovered gold in them thar hills ... ). 

Point is: life happens! In the age of COVID, I’m pretty sure every human reading this gets it. This is just a reminder that changing a plan because it’s not working is not failure, it’s adaptation! And ya know what happens to species who don’t adapt. Sometimes we wrestle too long with a plan that is not working because we think it should be working, but the wiser path is simply to acknowledge what actually is and adjust accordingly. 

(Note: sometimes this means it’s actually a pretty good idea to work with a tutor after all, if that option is available to you.)  

So go forth, intrepid traveler! It’s been lovely having you at The Inn, but now it’s time to set out on the road of SAT self-study. Good luck, and above all, trust yourself. You can do this. 

Special thanks to Martha Marion for writing this post

Martha (she/her) is a teacher and performer from Los Angeles, California. She received her undergraduate degree from Northwestern University and is currently working towards an MA in Psychology from the University of the West. Martha has been tutoring since 2005, focusing on the SAT, ACT, U.S. History, and all things Language Arts. She is also an actor, director, and teaching artist with The Story Pirates, facilitating creative writing workshops all over Los Angeles and helping to adapt kids’ work for stage, screen, and podcast. When not working with students, you can hear Martha’s voice in video games such as God of War and Saints Row as well as animated programs such as the upcoming Transformers: Earthspark on Nickelodeon. 

Monday, January 29, 2024

What Are the Easiest Ways to Raise My SAT Score?

 From: The College Essay Guy

Look, sometimes the “no pain no gain” route is the best way. Want to climb Everest? Not many shortcuts there, unless you’re someone who has the money to commandeer a rocket to drop you (pretending to look haggard for the selfie) right on the summit. (And, honestly, don’t be that person.) 

Obviously, raising your SAT score will take time and effort. But because students ask a lot, this guide is all about finding the most efficient ways to raise your score in the least amount of time. Is this a comprehensive study plan? It is not. 

Will it provide 1 strategy + 1 skill in each section of the test pretty much GUARANTEED to lead to a score boost? You bet. 


The Strategy: Active Reading 

Here’s a great way NOT to absorb what you read: sit way back in your chair, pencil down, and just try to let the passage wash over you like a word shower. 

Sure, it may be a relaxing way to read, but it’s definitely not effective, kinda like how you’d never see a detective go through a crime scene just kinda “vibin’ it out.” What would an effective detective do instead? We’ve all seen the scene: first they don the latex gloves, then they pick stuff up, open drawers, and look more closely at anything and everything of interest. 

That is the image you want to emulate when you read an SAT passage. You don’t need (and don’t really have the time) to be as thorough as our hardboiled detective, but you do want to be able to 

  • quickly and confidently discern what information is most important in a given passage

  • find a way to indicate it visually in order to help yourself later when you’re answering questions. 

Here are 3 ways to do that. Rarely is reading one size fits all, so play around with these (as well as any of your own ideas) until you find a system that works best for you. Just make sure you do some form of active reading on the SAT. It’ll help. I promise. 

1. Pre-highlighting 

My tutoring students often ask if they should read all the questions before they read the passage. To this I say no, primarily because that’s mostly a waste of time. The caveat, however, is for questions that have specific line references. I don’t advocate reading these questions so much as scanning the questions (all of them in 45 seconds max) for line references and then marking (or “pre-highlighting”) those lines in the text. 

This gives students a visual clue when they come across a line or set of lines they know they will be asked about directly. Again, this process of scanning questions and marking lines should be done as soon as you begin a passage and should ideally take no more than 30-45 seconds. But it really sets you up well to quickly and effectively answer line-reference questions.

2. “Caveman” Notes 

This strategy basically just means “little notes in the margin of a paragraph.” Why do we call them “caveman” notes? Because they’re the dumbest, shortest (2-5 words) version of a paragraph’s main idea. If you read ‘em out loud, you’d sound a bit like a Neanderthal (who technically had bigger brains than we do, but…). 

Good examples of caveman notes: “desalination process = hard” or “Constitution good.” 

3. Underlining/Circling Key Terms

I’m not re-inventing the wheel here—you’ve probably been doing some version of this in school since you were in 3rd grade (and if not, hey, great time to start). This is just a reminder to also do it on the SAT! 

What kind of information is the most helpful to underline or circle? 

  1. Main ideas (i.e. topic or concluding sentences) 

  2. Big shifts (i.e. contrast words like “However,” “But,” or “Surprisingly”) 

  3. The introduction of a defined term, name, or number 

  4. Very + or very - POV words (especially on double passage) 

Example: Here is a short passage containing some very + POV words 

Not only did introducing a four day work week make the CEO beloved by her employees, allowing workers to maintain a better work/life balance actually led to greater productivity, leading to a noticeable increase in sales and a commensurate rise in stock price in addition to happier workers and lower employee turnover. 

Example: And another containing clearly - POV words

As it stands, the proposed law is clearly unconstitutional because it would render null and void the basic right of citizenship to all those born on American land as guaranteed by the 14th Amendment; any proponent who argues otherwise either does not understand what the bill actually says (in which case he is a fool), or is attempting to hoodwink the American public into welcoming a Trojan horse into our democracy (in which case he has betrayed his oath of office.) 

And why is it a good idea to underline/circle these things? 

Well, first of all, the extra second it takes you to underline/circle actively tells your brain this is important, adding to the likelihood you’ll retain the information. 

Also, since there’s just no way to retain all the important information in a passage upon initial reading, these markings will provide the kind of visual trail of breadcrumbs that will help you find it again quickly when answering the questions. 

The Skill: Wrong Answer Traps 

Picture again your version of the crime scene detective from before. Remind yourself that this is who you want to be when tackling the SAT reading section. 


Because, unlike in an English class where nuances of meaning and multiple interpretations are the name of the game, the SAT is a multiple choice test! That means there can only be ONE RIGHT ANSWER per question. 

Sayonara, nuance! Stay in your lane, multiple interpretations! 

The only way to create a question with a single right answer (something the SAT has to do or everyone makes fun of them and calls them dumb) is to make the 3 other answers demonstrably wrong! Now, if they were all demonstrably, very obviously wrong, the questions would be too easy. So! They’ve got to make them demonstrably, yet subtly wrong, and that’s where you’re sleuthing skills come in.  

The name of the game is “provability,” and any answer choice that is not 100% provable in the text is wrong. As always, it helps to know what to look for. Here are the 3 most common “wrong answer traps” on the SAT Reading Section. 

1% wrong = 100% wrong 

Here, the issue is that the answer choice looks so very very right. And for good reason! It IS so very very right … almost. Sometimes, the problem comes down to a single word! Let’s say a science passage answers how scientists set up a particular experiment but not why they set it up that way. An incorrect answer choice could be totally provable except for the word why. 

Remember, it’s easier to dis-prove a single word in an answer choice than it is to prove every single word, so if you’re looking for ways to find fault with an answer choice, you’ll be likelier to notice these sneaky little buggers. Otherwise, it’s easy to talk yourself into answers that are actually wrong.

100% right … to a DIFFERENT QUESTION 

These answers are tricky because they ARE 100% provable … if the question had asked you something just a little different. Let’s say a double passage asks you to choose a statement with which both authors would agree. Often, in cases like these, 1-2 wrong answer choices will be 100% provable statements that only one author would agree with. 100% provable? You betcha. Does it answer THIS question about both authors? Nope. Those answers would be wrong. 

Out of Scope 

These answers are wrong because they are either written too broadly, too narrowly, or in more extreme language than that which can be proven. 

For example, let’s say a survey of 10 people showed that more than half of those surveyed believed climate change affects their lives personally. An “out of scope” answer might claim that, “most people on Earth believe climate change affects them personally.” Is that possibly true? Yes! Can we prove it from a survey of 10 random humans? Not even close. The answer choice is too broad, and therefore it is “out of scope.” In general, the more definitive wording an answer choice uses (“most” rather than “many,” “certain” rather than “it’s possible,”) the harder it is to prove, and therefore the more likely it is to be wrong. 

Key takeaway: Notice that each of the three points above are tools for elimination. Again, the SAT has to make wrong answers clearly (if subtly) wrong (if it’s just their opinion that an answer is better, their test fails), so a useful reframe on the SAT Reading section is that you’re not looking for what’s right so much as you’re choosing whatever answer is left that you can’t eliminate.


The Strategy: Keep it Short! 

If you walk away from this blog remembering JUST ONE THING, it should be this: when it comes to answer choices on the SAT Writing & Language section, the fewer words the better! Why? They hate redundancy, passive voice (almost always wordier than the “active version” of the same thought), and over-punctuation (so “keep it short” also just generally means “less is more.”) So, when in doubt … take it out! 


However, most high schools in the U.S. start by 8:30 or earlier, nearly guaranteeing that the entire student body of a given high school will arrive chronically sleep-deprived in a habitual way. 


  2. habitually. 

  3. Over the long term. 

  4. DELETE the underlined portion and end the sentence with a period. 

The correct answer here is D. Why? Because I just told ya to keep it short, brah, and what’s shorter than taking out the whole underlined portion?! Also, what does “chronically” mean? Well, it means …”happening repeatedly over time.” What does habitual/habitually/over the long term mean? Same. Exact. Thing. 

Note: The “keep it short” rule applies predominately to grammar questions (as in there’s no question stem, just answer choices). If a question stem asks you to do a specific job (Ex: “Which choice most specifically supports the main idea of the sentence” etc.), IGNORE THE “KEEP IT SHORT’ RULE. Focus exclusively on the specific job at hand. 

The Skill: All Things Comma 

The SAT is crazy for comma questions. If commas were llamas, the SAT would open a petting zoo. If commas wore pajamas, the SAT would start a sleepwear company. If commas were from Yokahama … well, you get it. 

The most basic rule when it comes to commas on the SAT is this: GET RID OF AS MANY COMMAS AS POSSIBLE. That said, there are times when we need to use a comma. Here are the four main rules for comma usage on the SAT. 

1. Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (fanboys) when linking two independent clauses. 


Maria went to the market to buy groceries, but she forgot to bring her shopping list. 

— — —

Professor Thompson wanted to brush up on his knowledge of ancient languages, so during his vacation in Egypt he took a course in Aramaic at Cairo University. 

2. Use a comma when a sentence starts with a dependent clause followed by an independent clause.


Because my car had broken down, I jogged to work. 

— — —

Although I am a pretty fast runner, I was still 10 minutes late to the morning meeting. 

3. Use commas to separate either items in a list or multiple adjectives that each describe the same subject (and those adjectives could also be used in reverse order). 


I never had a mom, a dad, a dog, a friend, or a good night’s sleep. 

— — —

My silent, happy sister simply nodded her head in amazement.

(Whereas “the charcoal gray sweater” should have no comma.)

Note: DO NOT place a comma between a single adjective and a two-word noun. For example, “the crumbling high school.” The word “high” can be used as an adjective, but here it is simply part of the noun. The “high school” is “crumbling.” The “school” is NOT both “crumbling” and “high”… unless maybe it’s on top of a mountain? 

4. Use commas to bracket off “unnecessary information” 

By “unnecessary information,” we mean phrases or clauses (or words) that could be removed from the sentence without destroying the integrity of the sentence structure. 


The Statue of Liberty, which sits in New York Harbor, is a cherished symbol of freedom. 

— — —

Ben took a trip to New Orleans, the birthplace of jazz, to celebrate his graduation from music school. 

Note: DO NOT place commas around information that, if removed, would harm the structural integrity of the sentence. You may see this most often in sentences  including proper names. 


Immunologist Anthony Fauci recently retired from his role as head of the federal government’s COVID response taskforce. 

It’s tempting to want to put commas around the name Anthony Fauci. Sometimes we think we have to do this … but here, we don’t and shouldn’t! And look what would happen if did! Take it out, and the sentence reads, “Immunologist recently retired from…” Nope. That sentence just lost its subject! 


The Strategy: Plugging-In 

Let’s face it: ya gotta know some math to ace the SAT math section. However! There are strategies that can help us sneak in a side door when that metaphorical mathematical “front door” remains locked to us, whatever the reason (forgot the concept, never learned the concept, fatigue or anxiety is prohibiting your brain from seeing the obvious, etc.). 

Never fear! (Dramatic fanfare plays.) Plugging-In is here! 

This strategy allows students to simply replace variables or vagaries with real numbers (that students make up according to rules/limits described), and solve the problem that way. Essentially, the fewer specifics the question provides, the more power YOU have to fill in those specifics in order to simplify and solve with less conceptual rigamarole. 

How does “plugging in” work?

STEP 1: “Make up” your numbers, making sure to follow any rules or limitations outlined in the question. For example, if the question states that “x is an integer greater than 3,” you need to choose a whole number greater than 3 (so … maybe 4!). If you notice in the question that you’ll eventually have to divide your number by 5, go ahead and make up a number that you know is divisible by 5. You don’t have to, but it will make your life a whole lot easier. 

STEP 2: Solve the question with your numbers to find your “target answer.” 

STEP 3: Re-plug in your original number(s) into the answer choices to find which answer choice “answer” matched your “target answer.” 

Let’s try one, shall we? 


The circus is coming to town! It costs x dollars to see the elephants and half of that amount to see the monkeys. If n people in a group buy tickets to see both attractions, what will the total cost for the group be in terms of x and n? 

A) x(n + ½) 

B) 3n/2x

C) 3nx/2

D) nx/2 

Now, is there a purely algebraic way to solve this question! You bet! And if that method feels more intuitive to you, go for it! However, if you’re looking at all those variables like … NOPE … plugging in might be the best strategy for you. 

STEP 1: Make up a number for x, knowing you’re going to need to divide it in half to get the cost of the monkey attraction. So, an even number is probably best. Let’s say x = 6. 

STEP 2: So it’s $6 to see the elephants, which means it’ll cost you $3 to see the monkeys, and $9 to see both attractions. Now, let’s see if there are any restrictions/rules about what “n” can be … and there aren’t, so you can really make it whatever. (NOTE: As a rule, it’s a good idea to stay away from using “O” and “1” as plug-in numbers because they behave in ways other numbers do not.) So, how about 2? If n=2, it’s going to cost $18 total for 2 people to see both attractions. Therefore , $18 is our target answer!  

STEP 3: Now start plugging in x (6) and n (2) into the answer choices until you find an answer that ALSO = $18. And the winner is … C.

The Skill: The Algebra “Big 7” 

The SAT Math section is algebra-heavy. VERY algebra-heavy. In fact, of the 20 questions on a given No Calculator section, 18 or so of these questions are usually algebra. 

Not only that! While these questions do require foundational knowledge of  algebraic concepts (order of operations, exponent rules, etc.), they almost all fall into 1 of 7 categories related to what you’re actually supposed to do

The better you become at recognizing which of these 7 things is required in a given question, the easier and faster you’ll be able to answer it. I give you … drumroll please … the Algebra “Big 7!” (With answers below, so you can try them yourself and check.)

1. Set-up

These questions generally contain a word problem followed by answer choices which are      simply different ways to “set up” the information given in the word problem. Here, you don’t have to solve anything! You just have to know how to rewrite the word problem into an expression or equation. 


Amy and Oscar recorded the number of miles eachof them walked. Amy walked n miles each day for 12 days. Oscar walked 4 miles more each day than Amy walked each day. If Oscar walked for t days, which of the following represents the total number of miles that Oscar walked?

A) n + 4t

B) t(n + 4)

C) n(t + 4)

D) 4n + 16t

2. Solve 

Here, the test-makers have already set up the algebraic equation. It’ll be front and center in the question. You just have to solve! 


If 3(x – 7) = t and t = 9 , what is the value of x?

A) -10

B) -4

C) 3

D) 10

3. Set-up AND solve 

Now let’s put #1 & #2 together! You’ll again see a word problem requiring you to set up an algebraic equation, only this time you’ll need to go the extra step and solve it as well. 


A toll bridge in Florida charges $0.75 for each car and $1.10 for each truck crossing the bridge. During a 24-hour period, a total of $326.55 was collected for tolls. The total number of vehicles that paid a toll was 399. How many trucks crossed the bridge that day?

A) 78

B) 148

C) 176

D) 297

4. Move around 

Much as in #1, the answer choices will all simply be different versions of the same algebraic expression or equation. Generally, this is also accompanied by an existing equation in the question stem. For these questions, you’ll notice that the answers will simply be the same equation solved for a different variable. Your job? Just “move around” (read: order of operations) the original equation until you’ve written it in terms of the new variable. No solving required! You’re just rearranging individual pieces to make a new picture with the same images. Or, to put it another way, creating a slightly different dish using the same ingredients. 


S = πrl + πr 2

The formula above gives the total surface area, S, of a cone whose base has a radius of r and a slant height of l. Which of the following gives l in terms of r and s?

A) l = S/Ï€r – r

B) l = S/Ï€r + r

C) l = rS/Ï€ – r 3

D) l = S/Ï€ – r 2

5. Identify 

Another one that’s deceptively easy once you figure out what’s going on! Again, you’ll be given a word problem. The question stem will describe a real-world scenario that can be written as an algebraic equation (hint: it’s almost always y= mx + b). However, instead of solving for anything, you’ll be asked what a piece of this algebraic equation represents in the equation. Well, if it’s y = mx + b (and again, it usually is), there are really 2 parts of this equation that mean something significant: m (slope) and b (y-intercept). Since slope represents a constant rate of change between each set of points, answers for m are usually something like, “the amount a customer pays per day for fuel.” Since y-intercept represents a fixed point (in real world scenarios, this is almost always the starting point), answers for b are usually something like, “the initial fee a customer pays for renting the jetpack.” 


V = 48m + 650

Juan uses the equation above to estimate the value, V, of his savings account, in terms of the number of months, m, after he opened the account. What does the number 650 represent in this equation?

A) the value of the account after 1 year

B) the value of the account after 1 month

C) the dollar amount that the account increased by each month

D) the dollar amount that Juan deposited in the account when he opened the account

6. Systems of Equations

These questions will be visually apparent by the simple fact that you will be given TWO equations instead of 1. We will get more in-depth with a couple specific types of these questions in the video portion of this blog, but in general, you’ve got 2 ways to solve a system of equations: Substitution and Elimination. 


x + y = -4

2x + y = 9

Using the system of equations shown above, what is the value of x ?

7. Linear v. Quadratic v. Exponential 

If you decided to improve your SAT score by becoming a genius at 1 single concept, LINEAR EQUATIONS would be that concept! 

Linear equations are so prevalent on the SAT, I got y = mx + b tattooed on my face. Okay, no I didn’t, but learn everything you can about y = mx + b as if you want that knowledge to be just as permanent as my non-tattoo! 

However, QUADRATIC and EXPONENTIAL functions also come up a lot on this test too, so if you have the time and dedication to master all 3 of these concepts, you’d be doing yourself a great service. There’s enough content related to these 3 concepts to fill multiple blogs, but for the purposes of this brief review, here is one sample question each to begin your journey. 


This one’s a bonus! If you were paying attention, you may have noticed that Example Questions 3 (set up & solve), 5 (identify), and 6 (systems of equations) ALL dealt in some way with y = mx + b equations. However, since y = mx + b is so important on the SAT, here’s one more: 


What is the system of inequalities that is graphed above?

A) y > -2x
y < 3x – 5

B) y < -2x
y < 3x – 5

C) y ≥ -2x
y ≥ 3x – 5

D) y ≤ -2x
y ≥ 3x – 5



The function f(x) = 2x2 is translated 5 units to the left and 8 units down to create function g(x). Which of the following is the equation for g(x), in the form that reveals its x-intercepts?

A) g(x) = 2(x + 5)2– 8

B) g(x) = 2(x + 3)(x +7)

C) g(x) = 2x2+ 20x + 42

D) g(x) = 2(x2 + 10x + 21)



The value of a new car depreciates at a rate of 15% per year. If C represents the cost of the car when it was new, which expression represents the value of the car t years after it was purchased?

A) 0.15Ct

B) 1.15Ct

C) C (0.85)t

D) C (1.15)t

Answers to the Algebra Big 7 examples above:

  1. B

  2. D

  3. A

  4. A

  5. D

  6. 13

  7. Linear: D

  8. Quadratic: B

  9. Exponential: C

Final Thoughts

Yes, the SAT can feel like a behemoth of a test. But take the time to really get down the strategies and skills above. With them, you won’t be taking a rocket to the top of Everest … but you’ll be giving yourself a quick lift from base camp. And that’s a huge boost in helping you get up past the Khumbu ice fall and … wow, we could really just keep running with this metaphor.

Special thanks to Martha Marion for writing this blog post.

Friday, January 26, 2024

GMC Acceptance Day

 If you are a senior who is not certain about your next steps, maybe you just want to stay close to home, or you feel that you  need a back up plan, this opportunity is for you!

GMC is offering acceptance to Westfield students on February 9th.  If you are interested in GMC or just want to hear more information or participate in this opportunity!


Sign up here - GMC Acceptance Day

21st Century Leaders Summer Institute Now Open Until March 1st.


The application for our four summer leadership institutes is open now until March 1st! If you know high school students in Georgia with an interest in developing their leadership, exploring careers, and meeting peers from across the state, please encourage them to apply!

Our week-long residential summer camps bring 75-100 diverse high school students from all across Georgia together to develop their leadership skills while exploring career paths, networking with professionals, sampling life on a college campus, and more!

We are looking for motivated students to apply, regardless of prior leadership experience or GPA! We believe every student has leadership potential and just needs the opportunity to nurture it.

Students in grades 9-11 can learn more and apply at

Note: while two of the institutes have a registration fee for those students accepted to attend, we have financial support available for ANY student with the need. Financial concerns should not keep a student from applying; if accepted for an institute, we can take care of the fees!


All institutes are residential programs with students staying in dormitories on a college campus: students will need to be dropped off on campus on Sunday and be picked up on Friday. All meals for the week are provided.

Summer Youth Leadership Institute (SYLI@Goizueta)

June 2 - June 7 at Emory University

● This institute is for students with an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire to learn about business. Learn more about SYLI here.


June 9 - June 14 at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville

● Supported by the Georgia Power Foundation, this institute is for students interested in environmental issues, engineering, and other STEM related fields. Learn more about EarthCare here.

Healthcare & IT Institute

June 23 - June 28 at Kennesaw State University

● This institute is for students interested in the healthcare field or healthcare tech industry. Learn more about HII here.

Film & Entertainment Institute (NEW!)

July 14 - July 19 at Georgia Tech

● This institute is for students interested in film, media, and entertainment. Learn more about FEI here.

● Students must be in 10th or 11th grade (rising juniors and seniors) to apply for FEI.

If you have any questions about the application process or a specific institute, please contact Program Manager Alicia Owens at or myself!

Have a student to recommend? Submit the Recommendation Form here, and the student will be notified with encouragement to complete their application.



Nicole Meadows

Director of Programs & Communications

404.936.0280 | 404.373.7441

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