Thursday, November 18, 2021

Four Summer Academic Programs

Yale Young Global Scholars (YYGS) is one of the most globally diverse, two-week academic summer programs in the world. Serving over 2,000 students from over 150 countries and all 50 U.S. states, YYGS distributes over $3 Million USD in need-based financial aid to both domestic and international students.

YYGS hopes to host on-campus and online sessions for June & July 2022, and we are working closely with our colleagues across Yale to evaluate options. We will provide timely updates regarding 2022 session offerings on our website.

Ace the AP® Spanish course and exam in as little as 2 weeks, by getting prepared in the beautiful and sunny 2,200-year-old city of Sevilla, Spain. Boost your Spanish, immerse yourself in the Spanish culture with homestays and fun activities, and travel with new friends!

As You Like It summer courses from Russell Education give your student a chance to explore an area of passion or academic need in short, concentrated form with live one-on-one or small-group instruction and conversation.

Based on your student’s interest, we will develop a 3-8 session course that takes 1-2 weeks to complete. Scheduling is highly flexible in order to accommodate your student’s summer travel and activities. Our teachers have a wide range of interests and expertise, so we can design a 1-2 week, 3-8 session course on almost any topic, academic and otherwise.

The goal of the program is to provide the learning experience that you want for your child at a time that suits your family. Name your topic: our experienced teachers can probably cover it!

Arcos Journeys Abroad is a premier summer study abroad program for high school students. It is the division of Arcos Learning Abroad dedicated to working with participants ages 14 to 18 years of age.

Arcos Journeys Abroad programs are located in some of the most unique Spanish-speaking locations in the world: Spain, Mexico, Costa Rica, Argentina, and Peru. Participants from across the US and Canada form part of the Arcos groups.

Choose from three program types: Active Discovery & Wellness, Cultural Discovery, and Spanish Immersion. All program types include excursions, cultural activities, and immersion into the host country culture and language. Whichever program type you choose at least 50% of the time is dedicated to its theme or focus. Join us for the summer of your life!

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